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Thank you for you continual support through out the past few years. If this is your first time on the site I wish to see you come back and be part of the online bonsai community.

I started this site on a very small budget (just enough to buy the domain to be specific) and I have grown this site to what it is today by investing my own capital. I was supplementing the expenses for this site by using my salary to buy the equipment needed to capture the videos and photos for each blog post. It started out as a sideline project to keep me busy but recently it has involved into a great way of interacting and sharing my knowledge with the Bonsaiwithromano online community.

I share as much of my own content on the page as possible and will continue doing so by keeping you up to date and well informed of my journey as this new path unfolds. I want to broaden the topics I cover and get more content from other bonsai enthusiasts but in order to do that I will need to start generating income from this site.  I am now more than ever dependent on your help to assist me in growing this site. Due to recent economical hardship I do not have the funding to expand the website.

I will be working on online courses and other ways of generating income so watch this space.

Donate and help expand the site

Please donate and help us expand this site to keep up with the current trend. I would like to expand the site to include a wider variety of topics and I want to get more publishers on board.


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